
What’s the purpose? Why am I doing this? Don’t I have something better to do with my life than to get involved in asbestos microscopes?

Well…no. To be fair, I do have a life that is fun and great, but I really love asbestos microscopes. Now, that isn’t the reason I created this blog (well, partially it is.) The reason I created this new website, is to be able to give back to all of you in the community that need the help. When I was younger, there weren’t many people that knew about this technology, let alone spend time to help me understand it and geek out on it. So with this website, I am confident that a lot more college students and young scientists, will be able to get a little bit closer to their dreams and a little bit closer to the light which is asbestos microscopes: the future of all microscopes.

So I don’t have any immediate plans to monetize this site (I am open to suggestions however.) I am purely doing this out of interest in giving back. In the future, I may do some affiliate links just to cover some website expenses (okay, and maybe buy a new asbestos microscope too) but I promise I won’t be the aggressive type of marketer that is trying to shove these microscopes down your throats. Think of this website, as a science class. In any case, you will get great education and wonderful value that you will be able to apply in your day job or college studies.

Spread the word my friends and let your colleagues know about Blair: the man trying to bring to your finger tips, the latest info on this great piece of technology.

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